Gabe's death is a terrible tragedy and an immense loss for his friends and family. We are creating this blog so that everyone who knew him can express their condolences and sympathies. Please leave a note and if you have any pictures please add them. Thank you.
Gabe was one of the nicest people I have ever met. I felt an identification with him because we both were from smaller places. He also helped show me different places on the island. We all will miss him, and want his family to know we enjoyed his company, and that he was a such a kind hearted person.
Words cannot express how heartbroken I am, what I am feeling, to know that someone so nice to have been taken from us. I did not know Gabe that well but I am blessed to have met him and spent his last moments at happy hour. Its not fair that someone like Gabe should be taken the way he was and for that, my heart bleeds deeply. I pray for his entire family, friends, and colleagues. I trust that justice will be done. I will never understand why bad things like this happen to nice people like Gabe. May he Rest In Peace.
Unfortunately I did not get an opportunity to know Gabe as well as other people. Like Vanessa, words can't express how sad, devastated, and angry I am right now. However I can say without a doubt that Gabe was one of the nicest, smartest, and most generous people I have had the pleasure of knowing on St. Thomas. Rest in peace, friend.
I cannot express my sadness enough. If there's one thing we all keep saying, it's "why Gabe?" He was such a kind and happy guy. I'm so glad that I got to see him sworn into the VI Bar on Friday; he was so truly happy about it. I'm also glad that we (the law clerks) all got to spend Friday night with him to help him celebrate the milestone. I hope his family knows that Gabe had friends here in St. Thomas who truly thought he was an amazing person. We will miss him very much. My heart goes out to his family in this terrible time.
This is a sad day for all of the Judicial Law Clerks, past and present. Comprehending any part of this tragedy is next to impossible. Why anyone would take the life of someone such as Gabe is beyond words. Gabe - if this message is somehow communicated to you - you had just been awarded the distinction of being sworn-in and you were suddenly and unjustly taken away. Your genuine spirit and kind-heartedness have touched many. I pray for you, although you are no longer with us, and pray for your family to find some peace in all of this nonsense.
I did not know Gabe for very long but I knew him to be a kind and intelligent individual. I also knew that Gabe was a follower of the Bahai faith, which stresses unity of all peoples.
We can take solace in the fact that Bahais believe that the soul continues beyond death to a new phase in the journey towards God. My prayers go out to Gabe as he continues on his journey beyond the confines and pitfalls of this physical world - May his soul be at ease.
My condolences to all of Gabe's family and friends.
Dear family and friends of Gabe,
My condolences to all of you for the tragic loss of Gabe.
You must be very proud of Gabe's life as he clearly was a good person who was well liked and respected by everyone that knew him.
I know he is in a better place and we are thinking and praying for all the loved ones that he was taken from. God Bless.
Dear Friends,
Thank you for remembering Gabe with your love and kindness. I quickly grew to love an appreciate Gabe for his love, kindness, generosity, steadfastness,and warmth of spirit. He exemplified all of the qualities of a true Baha'i. He was a lover of humanity and desired nothing but the unity of the entire human race. Free of prejudice, every person on the face of planet was his family. Despite the tragedy of his death, I have no doubt that he has forgiven those who caused his untimely departure from this mortal world. I am confident that his soul has been released into the kingdom of lights and has been reunited with its Creator.
Gabe's Baha'i friend and brother,
Alan Smith
What can you say about such a random and nonsensical act? Gabe was such a kind hearted, unassuming guy, and it makes me so sad and so angry to know that someone took advantage of his kind nature. My heart goes out to his family, and I hope that they can take comfort in the fact that so many people thought so highly of him.
Dear Friends,
While reflecting on the light of Gabe's soul and reflected in his character, it occurred to me that the souls of the young men accused of his cruel and senseless murder are so veiled by the dust and dross of the material world that they are incapable of reflecting any light. For those of us who pray, let as pray that the souls of these young men, and millions more like them, will again be capable of reflecting the light the noble beings that are latent within them.
Gabe friend and Baha'i brother,
Dear Friends and Family of Gabe:
There are no words sufficient to express how sad this is. Gabe was the type of individual we all are supposed to be like. However, I don't believe this is the end of the road for Gabe, but the beginning. May he rest in peace and his soul continue on.
My condolences to all of Gabe's family and friends.
Sorry to hear about the death of your Friend and Family it is so sad to hear how he died.
Remember that we all are praying that God will give you all the stength to go through this!!!!!!!!!!
Love ,
Joyce Mathurin
To Gabe's parents,
Please know that though this horrific crime happened here on St. Thomas, there are many Virgin Islanders that loved him and trully cared about him. We wish you peace during this turbulant time.
V.I. Citizen
I didn't know Gabe. But i saw the article in the paper. i too am a VI citizen and when i read something like this it gets me so angry and sad that a person can do this sort of act. I agree with the last comment, there are many virgin islanders that are saddened by this and show there respects. i wanted to give my condolences to the family and friends. im sorry for your loss he seemed like a very good person. Be strong...
love paulina
I am extremely saddened to hear about this senseless tragedy. I did not personally know Gabe, but after reading about the events leading to his horrific death, I was compelled to leave a message of love to Gabe's family and friends. As a VI Citizen, I am angered and saddened that this tragedy has happened, especially when Gabe was carrying out an act of kindness while on his way to a spiritual gathering. Although his life has been cut too short, rest assured that he has touched many lives during his lifetime, and that his love and kindness will continue to live on through others.
Rest in peace,
I didn't know gabe and have never met him. I heard from a coworker who's also his Bahai' friend that he was missing. I was trying to be optimistic but unfortunately something so cruel happened. I'm writing these words with tears and I can't control it. I'll keep praying for the family and hope that justice will be served. I hope both guys, including the 17-year-old get the maximum sentence. I have no doubt that Gabe was a nice person and I'm sure that God and his angels will receive him. REST IN PEACE FRIEND!
To Gabriel's Parents and Family:
It is so difficult to find words to express my sincerest sympathy at the lost of your beloved son, brother, cousin, and friend. Through-out the past few days my thoughts have gone to Gabriel continuously (My three year old shares the name) and yesterday afternoon as we mixed batter to make cupcakes for his schools "Fall Festival” we listened to the sad news on the radio and my Gabriel said " Mommy, they called my name on the radio” with tears in my eyes I said NO, they are talking about someone else’s Gabriel that is now with the Lord in Heaven". I share this to let you all know that the Community grieves with you and I pray that the many memories you shared with Gabriel in the 27 years of his life, bring you comfort in the difficult days ahead. I too like Alan believe that he has in fact forgiven the two lost souls who took him from among us.
May the Lord continue to comfort and bring you peace.
To the family and friends of Gabe Lerner:
We did not know Gabe but felt compelled to offer our sincere condolences upon the loss of a fine young man. May your memories of him comfort you.
The Kral Family
To the friends and family of Gabe Lerner:
A man may be measured by two things in this life: his commitment to a cause higher than himself, and the love and respect shown by those that know his best. Gabe had both. Though I did not know him personally, my heart aches as I see my co-workers who knew grieve as they come to terms with this horrific tragedy. No one deserves to be taken from this world in such a way and I am reminded of the bible verse in the book of Job: "man that is born of woman is of few days and many woes". I know what it is to lose someone so close to you in such a tragic way and I pray that your hearts will be comforted by the love that you have for Gabe, the love he has for all of you and the memories that you all shared. Let us take one lesson from this: Live each day as though it were your last and live it with no regrets. God bless you all.
Family & friends ~
Gabe has indeed, been a light in the life of the Baha'i community, and now he is an eternal light in God's army of angels!
"O Son of man!
My calamity is My providence, outwardly it is fire and vengeance, but inwardly it is light and mercy. Hasten thereunto that thou mayest become an eternal light and an immortal spirit. This is My command unto thee, do thou observe it."
"The Hidden Words" of Baha'u'llah, the Glory of the most Glorious God
I am blessed that the light of Gabe's spirit will always glow in my heart.
With love and prayers,
I was blessed to have met Gabe. We literally sat side by side in our office walked to lunch and our cars each day. Lately, we even began exercising together. Gabe was an awesome individual. He was not afraid to be himself and to make others laugh. He enjoyed snorkeling and was adamant on teaching me (I have a fear of drowning). On our last work-out, he told me about his school days thru coming to work at the Court. Now that I think of it, it was like an autobiography. We laughed so much on that Saturday afternoon. Only I did not know that was the last time I would hear my angel laugh. I miss you Gabe and I know that you are happy in God's arms. You was too beautiful for this cruel world and God rescued you. My prayers are forever with Gabe's family. My friend was beautiful so now he is resting in beauty.
--Love Arleen
To the family and friends of Gabe,
I am a Virgin Islander living abroad and when I read the article about this senseless tragedy I became enraged. It’s unfortunate that these hoodlums committed such cowardly act to someone who extended his hand to give them a ride. I know the Virgin Islands justice system will prevail and both suspects will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Please know that these two criminals do not represent the Virgin Islands people. I pray for God to comfort you during this difficult time. May Gabe rest in eternal peace.
I've never blogged on any page before but I wanted to offer my condolences to Gabriel's family during this difficult time.I am a Native Virgin Islander currently living in Georgia. This breaks my heart.I am deeply sadden by this and wish these senseless acts of violence would cease. I did not know Gabriel,but I don't think that I needed to know him to know that he did not deserve this.This makes me sick to my stomach.He sounds like the type of person that I grew up knowing when I lived on St.Thomas. My heart goes out to the family and I will keep you all in my prayers.
I first met Gabe in his hometown state of Wisconsin. We served together on the Greenlake Baha'i Conference Planning Committee many years ago, however, I have never forgotten his gentle and sweet nature. I felt the wind was knocked out of me when I received the news. As a mother of 2 young children, I have spent to last 2 days drained of energy thinking of the pain that Jenny (his mother) is experiencing and I have prayed earnestly that Gabe's soul be blessed a thousand fold for the suffering he endured during the last moments of his short life. I have to trust that there are blessings for these sufferings and that as we pray for him, he will help us through this miserable time. May the Concourse on High Bless You GABE!
To Gabe's family,
I had the pleasure of hanging around with Gabe a time or two during law school, where we were in the same first-year section. He is a very nice guy and was pleasant to be around.
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time, as I can only imagine the horror you must be going through. I definitely had to shut my office door and "take five" when I got the news and looked up the details. Take comfort in knowing that your son was a good man, and you will see him again.
To those who loved and cared for Gabe,
I do not even know how to express my deep sadness about what has happened. Even though I did not know Gabe very well (we went to high school together), I remember him as being very kind. I can even hear his voice in my head as I remember interacting in class with him. You are in my thoughts.
My condolences, my love, my prayers and hope that each of you find comfort and support in this unbelievable loss of a truly beautiful soul.
to Gabe's family and friends,
He was our tenant since early this year. We didn't get to know him better, he was kind of shy; but we could sense the excellent, responsible person he was.
We are very grateful and blessed for having such a nice, gentle, thoughtful and kind person living in the same property.
He was very happy about his job at the court and proud of his bar exam.
God only knows the reason of what it looks as an unfair nonsense for us. We are still in shock with this horror.
We'll miss him a lot and when I say "we" , it also includes my dogs that he happily watched every time we went off island and went downstairs to visit him when he was at home and my little one that enjoyed talking with you when you were coming back from work.
May God comfort Jenny and Jerry in this painful moment. We are all praying for Gabe's soul.
My heart is broken hearing of the tragic passing of my Baha'i brother, Gabe. I never met Gabe but we both shared a love of the Virgin Islands and of the Blessed Beauty, Baha'u'llah. As a Virgin Islander now living abroad in Miami, I would like to express my gratitude to Gabe for coming to the Virgin Islands to serve the community, to spread the message of Baha'u'llah, and to help us all see through his efforts teaching the Baha'i Junior Youth group and through the tragic way that he was taken from this world, how desperately we need to reach out to our youth. Thank you Gabe.
With love and prayers,
Your Baha'i sister and friend,
Munirah Daniel
Dear friends and family,
I am writing this message with tearful eyes and aching heart. I am unable to put my emotions in words and express my feelings.My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult times.
I have known Gabe for many years.I have seen him to grow, mature and become a joyful being.He has touched many hearts and continues to do so from Kingdom above.
I was a new immigrant to U.S and as a 10-11 years old boy, Gabe was very eager to teach me about American football and baseball. He succeded in making me Green Bay Packers fun but I failed him in learing about baseball.
Dear Jenny,Jerry,Ari, Nevi and Mark I am sorry I was unable to fly out to Virgin Islands to say goodby to my spiritual brother but he is in my hear forever and ever.He will be truly missed but we all are assured that he is in peace and comfort.
with love to all of you,
Mansur Nurdel
I only met Gabe once but I have to admit he had a powerful impression on me. He had...no, has a deep soul. My deepest sympathies to Jenny and Mark. Your loss is our loss. He will be missed but never forgotten.
Man I didn't know you, but no one deserves to die like this. I hope judge throw the book at those cowards that did this to you. May your soul rest in peace.
I did not know Gabe but wanted to give my condolences to all his friends and family. I am a Native Virgin Islander currently living in Boston. I have never blogged in my life but felt the need to express the saddness I was feeling when I heard about Gabe. May he rest in peace.
I am a native Virgin Islander that has been living in Florida for many years now, but this is very devastating for me. I didn't know Gabe, but it hurts my heart to know that someone so special (a law abiding citizen) had to endure this type of pain. It hurts so bad to know that his life was curtailed at the hands of two savages. The only thing that brings me peace is knowing that he will be an angel looking after his family. I pray that his family and friends make it through this time of bereavement and remeber all of the good times that they shared with Gabe!!!! May God's peace be with you all!!!
Dear Gabe,
If there is one comfort I can get out of this, it is that I know you were a man of deep faith. Because of that, I know that, when Death came to you, you met it with honor and dignity and courage.
I know that you are with God now, and that you will never again feel any pain, or suffering, or sorrow.
I will always keep you and your family in my prayers, and I will never forget living with you and Tim throughout law school.
We love you, bud. We'll miss you.
- Aaron
Dear Lerner family:
The tragedy may never make sense but please know that Gabe will forever be missed. He was a great guy. He had a real personality and a great demeanor. Gabe could fit in comfortably at a happy hour even though he did not drink, he could explain the Bahai religion (when asked, not a sua sponte discussion) without trying to recruit or preach. He was comfortable in his own skin and easy to chat with. I’ll miss his take me as I am persona – it was such a pleasant and laidback one that there was never any reason for him to change.
With condolences, Gaylin
Dear Jenny,
It was with great sadness I read about your tragedy of loosing your son, Gabe.
My heart aches for you and your family. Please know prayers offered for the progress of Gabe's soul in all the worlds of God. Prayers offered for your broken heart.
With fond memories, love and prayers,
Sandy Pauer
A memorial service is being held for Gabe's friends in the Milwaukee WI area on the evening of Monday November 10. Watch this blog for final details. What a sad time for all of us.
I no longer live in the VI and I didn't know Gabe, but from these posts and the story in the paper, it's obvious he touched many, many lives in a very meaningful way. My condolences and prayers go out to his family, friends and colleagues. Peace be with you Gabe, from a brother you never knew.
Knowing Gabe since birth, his passing is unfathomable. He was a brilliant soul with an equally brilliant mind. He may have been the only child to actually get an afghan made with my own two hands as an infant! My deepest love and condolences to Jerry, Jenny (their respective spouses), Ariel, Geneva and the extended families. Rest assured Gabe is in the safe hands of God now. With much love, Chris Zahn, Greenfield, WI
Thank you all for posting your condolences on this blog. I know that it is a comfort to his family to know that so many have Gabe in their thoughts and hearts.
It has been announced that the farewell services for Gabe will be held on Saturday, November 1, 2008 as follows:
Saturday, November 1, 2008
10:00 a.m.
Smith Bay Cemetery
Saturday, November 1, 2008
12:00 noon
Superior Court - Courtroom I
My heart goes out to the family of this young man whom I never knew until this tragedy. May God give you comfort in your time of need.
I first met Gabe when he was about 3 or 4 years old. His mom was a resident actor and director in a Milwaukee theater company where we both worked. I have vivid memories of Gabe from times spent in his home. I remember how tenderly he treated his younger sister, Arielle. I do remember him being gentle but firm, though, when it came to the rough treatment of books. “That’s a book, Ari. A BOOK,” he would reverently remind her. Now an educator of children’s librarians, I look back on the gentle humor of that book episode with fondness.
I remember Gabe reading chapter books much earlier than his cohorts. His speech skills had not quite caught up with his reading skills, and he rattled off the words so quickly it was difficult to understand what he was saying. The first time I witnessed this, he reeled off a short paragraph and I was impressed by the fact that he was pretending to read at such an early age. I had thought I was hearing gibberish. But Jenny had me follow along as he read and it became clear that this was not a sign of EMERGENT literacy, it was literacy itself. He was just reading at a break-neck pace. It was a joy to watch and hear. That guy cracked me up! And 5-year-old Gabe rattling off long dinosaur names as if they were merely “one fish, two fish” was both astonishing and really, really funny — both at once.
I have not been in touch with Jenny and her family for many years, but I am deeply sorry for their loss. My deepest condolences to Jenny, Jerry, Arielle, Geneva (who I knew only as a baby), and Mark.
Sharon "Sherri" McQueen
Oh my, I only found this out today. Gabe was in the first study circle I participated in when I moved to DC 4 years ago. Despite a rigorous study schedule, he was always there every week for our study circle and contributed so much. I am just in shock right now. I just wish to assure his family of my prayers for the progress of this wonderful pure-hearted soul. You will be missed Gabe!
Oh my, I only found this out today. Gabe was in the first study circle I participated in when I moved to DC 4 years ago. Despite a rigorous study schedule, he was always there every week for our study circle and contributed so much. I am just in shock right now. I wish to assure his family of my prayers for the progress of this wonderful pure-hearted soul. Gabe, you will be missed! Kat Holmlund
Fahimeh and I send our deeply felt sympathy to Jenny and to Gabe's family. Gabe was a pioneer, a man who evidently trusted his fellow human beings and went out of his way to help others.
We are heartbroken for all of you at this unimaginable loss.
Your community is here for you.
To Gabe's parents & friends,
I didn't know Gabe, but he sounded absolutely wonderful. As a Virgin Islander, I am deeply saddended by these senseless acts. I wish you peace and memories of pure joy during your time of grief.
V.I. Citizen
Runners, Walkers, and Media:
The St. Thomas Association of RoadRunners announces the
WATER ISLAND 5K (3.1 mile)
on Sunday, November 9,
"In Memory of Gabriel Lerner"
Ferry leaves Tickles at Crown Bay Marina at 7:00 a.m.
Round Trip Ferry Cost is $10.00
Race will begin from Water Island Ferry Dock at 7:45 a.m.
Registration at Ferry Dock.
There is no race fee; however, donations will be accepted
in Memory of Gabriel Lerner,
to be given to a charity of the family's choice announced on race day.
For More Information, Call Therese Hodge at 340-775-6373.
To the Lerner family from the Rowhani family and all Bahai's elsewhere I am so sorry to hear of this senseless tragedy. Although we know Gabe is in a better place, it is hard to say goodbye. We will miss you but will not forget you.
As a friend of Gabe's father, Jerry, I saw a lot of Jerry in Gabe. Though I only met Gabe a few times while he was in high school i could see he had a huge heart and loving soul. His Dad is/was so proud of him and the man that he had become.
My prayers are with Jerry and all of the family as we remember and celebrate Gabe's life.
I never met Gabe, but I have heard His father, Dr. Jerome Lerner talk about him. I have known Dr. Lerner for over one year now and was with him when he got the news that Gabe had been reported missing. I just wanted to let Gabe's family and friends know that even though I've only known Dr. Lerner for a year so far, this tragic event has touched more lives than you probably realize. Since the news of Gabe's disappearance, my family, my parents, my wife's parents, neighbors and other friends have all been following what has been happening with Gabe. The Lerner family has been in all our thoughts and prayers.
I am just one person that has only known Gabe's father for a short time and thoughts and prayers just from my family and neighbors alone total about 20 people. I am sure that there are many thousands that are also connected to Gabe and his family in many ways that are deeply sorrowed and also offer prayers and hope to you. Gabe's untimely death touched much more lives than he ever knew.
I remember Gabe during the Kingdom conference in Milwaukee. A group of youth had gathered in the greater Milwaukee area for a month of teaching and activities. The youth were gathered around the circle. They each shared their favorite Bahai quote or prayer. Gabe recited this one by heart
O Son Of Spirt,
The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice; turn not away therefrom if thou desirest Me, and neglect in not that I may confide in thee. By its aid thou shalt see with thine own eyes and not through the eyes of others, and shalt know of thine own knowledge and not through the knowledge of they neighbor. Ponder this in thy heart; how it behooveth thee to be. Verily justice is My gift to thee and the sign of My loving-kindness. Set it then before thine eyes. Baha'u'llah
much love
My heart goes out to Learner Family, Friends and well wisheers.
I am very angry because this story touched my heart to the core. The detail is sickning. I am spreading the word via my outlet on myspaces, facebook and soon my web site. I grew up with friends in the Bahi faith in the Virgin Islands and attended many services. So i know the quality of a person he is tru his faith. I will continue to spread the word and do what i can do help get the word out about this wonderful human being. I am sad and angry when somebody of this quality has loss his life due to senseless and the work of the devil in human being. RIP "Gabe" and i will like to thank the Lerner family for producing a great, loving and humble human being. If anything i can do. Let me know. Mr. Simon Simon Enterprises of MD, USA.
I will continue to post to let people know who Gabe was.
I knew Gabe in law school. We did not know each other very well but his passing has affected me deeply. I always got the impression that he was a good good good person. We always had very interesting conversations and I always thought that he seemed like a very wise guy for someone my age. I am so glad he got to spend time in the Virgin Islands. I imagine he must have been very happy there. How could he not? I will never forget Gabe, and I know he will be watching all his loved ones for the rest of their lives.
I did not know Gabe Lerner or his family but I read an article on his murder and it truly sadden me. I hope friends, family and even strangers like my self can take some comfort in knowing that he is in a far better place now and one day we will all be blessed with his presence again.........
Dear Lerner Family,
I never met Gabe. His Uncle Jeff, however, is my best friend. Three weeks ago today Jeff was my best man.
At the reception Jeff shared with many of us his pride and affection for Gabe. He described him as kind hearted, intelligent man that you couldn't help but like.
This is a horrific senseless thing that leaves all us stunned. You have our condolences and prayers.
Bruce and Jennifer Rauss
I was one of Gabe's teachers a 38th St. Elementary School. It was clear from the moment I met him he was a gifted, humorous person who would find his way in the world when he was ready, in a way that worked for him. I'm sure he touched every life he came in contact with the same generous spirit I experienced and witnessed. I send prayers.
Vicki Johnson
To the Lerner Family,
I am sorry that you lost a brother, nephew, and son, particularly in such a context so far away.
Today I went to facebook and saw some photos of Gabe with his family -- I hope you are similarly warmed at the sight of them.
I went to law school with Gabe. I fondly recall several conversations we had on his faith, and just talking in general. Gabe was always quick with a smile to me, and made sure he said hi whenever we passed each other in the halls. I admire Gabe's honesty, and miss his warm, if not sometimes shy, smile.
To be honest, I was unaware that he had traveled to the islands, and am sorry to him that I did not keep in closer touch.
That is not to say that Gabe was not in my thoughts. Just one month ago I was in India and passed by the beautiful Baha'i lotus temple in New Delhi. I had planned on taking a photo and sending it to Gabe, but somehow never got around to it. I wish I had.
Kamal Agrawal
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
To Gabe's family,
The only comfort I can find in this is that Gabe lived such a wonderful, full life up until the moment he was taken from us. He lived on my floor in the law school dorm. I remember that he was always ready to chat, share a beer-soaked brat (he didn't drink, but that didn't render beer-soaked foods off-limits!) and be a friend. The world needs the kindness and love that Gabe always offered, so I take comfort that his spirit is still with us.
To Gabe's family - you have so much to be proud of in Gabe.
I went to law school with Gabe and though I didn't know him very well, I knew how happy he was in the Virgin Islands. I found his ability to make a life and a career in paradise inspirational. I have been so moved to learn more about his tremendous acts of kindness and goodness.
My thoughts and prayers are with Gabe and his loved ones.
I knew Gabe as a friend, law school classmate, and 1L year floormate. I will miss his smile, his friendly words, his genuineness, and of course, his guitar playing. I know his loss will be deeply felt among our friends. Gabe and his family will be in my thoughts, always.
I did not know Gabe very well; we went to high school together and while we were friendly with each other we were not good friends. The image of Gabe that came to me upon hearing of his death was his smile. I remember his smile as always being free, easy and sincere. I'm sure his family and friends are well aware of Gabe's open manner with all; but I hope it gives a tiny bit of comfort to know that even classmates that haven't seen Gabe in almost a decade remember and appreciate his presence.
I never had the opportunity to meet Gabe as I ended my clerkship on St Thomas shortly before he moved there, but I grieve for your loss with the rest of the Virgin Island legal community. From everything I have read, it sounds like Gabe was a wonderful person to know. May memories and time bring you peace.
In the years of knowing Gabe there have been lots of updates on his life from Self Cares ideas and working with his Dad to discussions of family values and life with his Mom and sisters and how much our families were alike to the excitement of Georgetown and would I write one more reference for him Just last month I wrote his reference for the last job in St. Thomas so here is my final one A pure soul put on this earth to remind others that it is worth trying a little bit harder to reach your dream. To love your Mom and Dad and brag about your sisters He was a sweetie and he will be missed You have left an imprint on the hearts of many God Bless You Gabe I know that you are still smiling
I never knew Gabe but I knew the love his mother had for him. It came out in the little tide bites she privileged our class to know about him. Who he was... what he was up to. You could see how proud of him she was when she told us about his ongoing adventure with life. The honor it was to have raised such a blessing to mankind...
I tell you what, the night I received Jenny's email, asking us to pray for Gabe, I did. But to make myself clear, I don't know if there is a God or not, if there is a heaven after this world or not, but I did pray, I prayed for Gabe. I prayed...
-Matthew Pfaff
To the Famiy and Friends of Gabe~
I didn't know gabe all that well (we went to high school together and had a few of the same classes) I know that he was an extremely friendly person with one of the kindest souls I have ever known. He was always so willing to help anyone who asked for it...myself on a few occassions. I was deeply hurt and saddened when I turned on the tv and heard the horrible news. I immediately knew exactly who he was and could not stop the sudden outburst of tears. He was taken much too soon and my heart aches every time I think about this senseless act. He will be missed, but I wanted you to know that during his time here he touched the lives of many...myself included. You are all in my prayers and I hope you find comfort in the special kind of person he was. God Bless.
With warmest and deepest condolences~
Kristen Berdine
Fadded pictures in the corner of my mind....
I remember the last time I saw Gabe. It was in 1997.. yea long time ago. He came over to visit randomly but I was glad to him. He was with his dog Lizzy. Gabe had transferred to SHS and I stayed at Dominican. We often went home together freshman year and talked about anything you can imagine. It was easy to make him laugh. He loved stopping at Atomic Records on the way home. We called him Goober .. we had nametags on our desks in 8th grade and his just said "goober" on it. I think this name might have started as an insult, but Gabe had a way of deflecting negativity and turning it into a positive. I never saw Gabe create a problem for himself. He was great at avoiding trouble, staying below the radar. He did a lot with the time he's had but he should be making the contribution he was meant for. The world lost someone special.
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